Jan-06-2014 03:17:51 ================================= Response Code: 1. Response Text: This transaction has been approved. Sending to Authorizenet: Array ( [x_login] => ******* [x_tran_key] => ******* [x_relay_response] => FALSE [x_delim_data] => TRUE [x_delim_char] => | [x_encap_char] => * [x_version] => 3.1 [x_type] => AUTH_CAPTURE [x_method] => CC [x_amount] => 60.00 [x_currency_code] => USD [x_card_num] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7180 [x_exp_date] => 0815 [x_card_code] => [x_email_customer] => TRUE [x_email_merchant] => FALSE [x_cust_id] => 699 [x_invoice_num] => 2507-JXhweE [x_first_name] => William [x_last_name] => McClain [x_company] => GE Water and Process Technologies [x_address] => 4101 E. Wood St. [x_city] => Phoenix [x_state] => Arizona [x_zip] => 85040 [x_country] => United States [x_phone] => 602-689-4327 [x_email] => wd.mcclain@ge.com [x_ship_to_first_name] => [x_ship_to_last_name] => [x_ship_to_address] => [x_ship_to_city] => [x_ship_to_state] => [x_ship_to_zip] => [x_ship_to_country] => [x_description] => ULTRAPURE WATER & INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATM
1-YearSubscription (qty: 1) [x_recurring_billing] => NO [x_customer_ip] => [x_po_num] => Jan-06-2014 03:17:49 [x_freight] => 0.00 [x_tax_exempt] => FALSE [x_tax] => 0.00 [x_duty] => 0 [x_allow_partial_Auth] => FALSE [Date] => January 6, 2014, 3:17 pm [IP] => [Session] => 5lpn4ttpk4pa017qj6736dlj21 [url] => https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll ) Results Received back from Authorizenet: Array ( [0] => Response from gateway [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 [4] => This transaction has been approved. [5] => 755732 [6] => N [7] => 5831835541 [8] => 2507-JXhweE [9] => ULTRAPURE WATER INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATM
1-YearSubscription (qty: 1) [10] => 60.00 [11] => CC [12] => auth_capture [13] => 699 [14] => William [15] => McClain [16] => GE Water and Process Technologies [17] => 4101 E. Wood St. [18] => Phoenix [19] => Arizona [20] => 85040 [21] => United States [22] => 602-689-4327 [23] => [24] => wd.mcclain@ge.com [25] => [26] => [27] => [28] => [29] => [30] => [31] => [32] => [33] => 0.00 [34] => 0.00 [35] => 0.00 [36] => FALSE [37] => Jan-06-2014 03:17:49 [38] => 01A5BA89903FABA8940B093044121878 [39] => [40] => [41] => [42] => [43] => [44] => [45] => [46] => [47] => [48] => [49] => [50] => [51] => XXXX7180 [52] => Visa [53] => [54] => [55] => [56] => [57] => [58] => [59] => [60] => [61] => [62] => [63] => [64] => [65] => [66] => [67] => [68] => [69] => January 6, 2014, 3:17 pm [70] => [71] => 5lpn4ttpk4pa017qj6736dlj21 [Expected-MD5-Hash] => 01A5BA89903FABA8940B093044121878 [HashMatchStatus] => PASS ) CURL communication info: Array ( [url] => https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll [content_type] => text/html [http_code] => 200 [header_size] => 288 [request_size] => 213 [filetime] => -1 [ssl_verify_result] => 20 [redirect_count] => 0 [total_time] => 1.687 [namelookup_time] => 0.015 [connect_time] => 0.14 [pretransfer_time] => 0.734 [size_upload] => 1053 [size_download] => 639 [speed_download] => 378 [speed_upload] => 624 [download_content_length] => 639 [upload_content_length] => 1053 [starttransfer_time] => 0.859 [redirect_time] => 0 ) RAW data received: *1*|*1*|*1*|*This transaction has been approved.*|*755732*|*N*|*5831835541*|*2507-JXhweE*|*ULTRAPURE WATER INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATM
1-YearSubscription (qty: 1)*|*60.00*|*CC*|*auth_capture*|*699*|*William*|*McClain*|*GE Water and Process Technologies*|*4101 E. Wood St.*|*Phoenix*|*Arizona*|*85040*|*United States*|*602-689-4327*|**|*wd.mcclain@ge.com*|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|*0.00*|*0.00*|*0.00*|*FALSE*|*Jan-06-2014 03:17:49*|*01A5BA89903FABA8940B093044121878*|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|*XXXX7180*|*Visa*|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|*January 6, 2014, 3:17 pm*|**|*5lpn4ttpk4pa017qj6736dlj21*